Wednesday, August 30, 2017

School Speech & Poetry Competition

Today was the School Speech and Poetry Competition.  There were 4 finalists representing their year levels from Year 3 through to Year 6.

Congratulations to Christopher and Ryan, finalists from Room 19, who did a superb job presenting their speeches.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Diamante Poems

We have been learning to write Diamante Poems. 

These poems have two topics that are opposite.  For each topic you have to describe them using adjectives, state what actions they use using verbs and name some items related to them using nouns.



Room 19 learnt how to write Limerick poems. Here are some of those written. Please check out individual student blogs to see more.

There once was a boy named Daniel
Who made a nice friend: Manual
Who could turn into a Car
And go very Far
They made it a great Annual

By Christopher

There once was a boy named Troy
He really loved to destroy
He destroyed a car
And chucked it far
He was a very bad boy

By Connor

By Ala